Mag je taart op een hond gooien?
November 20 2017 was the launch of the Dutch version of Children’s book, Mag je taart op een hond gooien, (Can you throw pie on a dog?) Niko and I created.
The book poses questions without giving answers. Children can think of those themselves together with their family. There is no right or wrong, the book is about creating and debating an answer.
Eric and Anna
In the book you follow the brother and sister, Eric and Anna, on their question adventures. Eric and Anna have a dog and a toy dragon who is often hidden in the images.
The book, Mag je taart op een hond gooien, is now available in many stores such as:
At the last link we encourage children to upload their own questions for future editions of the book.
Caesar on management
“But the situation [battle] was saved by two things – first, the knowledge and experience of the soldiers whose training in earlier battles enabled them to decide for themselves what needed doing, without waiting to be told; secondly, the order which Caesar had issued to all his generals, not to leave the work, but to stay each with his own legion until the camp fortifications were completed.”
Contemporary Archaeology – Telephone Booths
There is no need to feel anger over being human
“A trader, in addition to studying basic conditions, remembering market precedents and keeping in mind the psychology of the outside public as well as the limitations of his broker, must also know himself and provide against his own weaknesses. There is no need to feel anger over being human. I have come to feel that it is as necessary to know how to read myself as to know how to read the tape. I have studied and reckoned on my own reactions to given impulses or to the inevitable temptations of an active market, quite in the same mood and spirit as I have considered crop conditions or analysed reports of earnings.“
– Reminiscences of a Stock Operator – Edwin Lefèvre
Stuffed Animals Drying Outside
Taiwanese Tech
Just back from a trip to Taiwan and wanted to share the real time display of occupancy in the women’s bathroom in one of their subway stations.